With the current spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, aka Coronavirus probably lasting for some time, it is important to invest in our daily lives and take all the precautions possible.🤰🏡
As many women want to get pregnant or already are, it is crucial for them to take extra precautions in order to have a healthy life and a successful delivery. During our research, we listened to several podcasts about pregnancy during quarantine and we have discovered many interesting things.
Remember: with more research being done, these recommendations can change over time. Therefore always check the recent guidelines and use your ob-gyn as your primary source of information.

Since this situation can change very fast, and subsequently the rules, it is common to develop anxiety. Try to control the things you can such as your breath, your actions and your daily activities. Do not take medicine without a doctor prescribing them as several medications are contraindicated when conceiving, being pregnant or breastfeeding. The doctor will always take risk-benefit ratio decisions.
Getting pregnant during quarantine
“Should I get pregnant or should I wait until this situation is over?”
This is a question that many women are facing nowadays. Healthcare providers advise to individual context accordingly.
For healthy women, without any certain circumstances (age, disease, etc.), health workers recommend waiting for more information.

Pregnant during quarantine
Pregnant women do not necessarily have a higher risk to be infected by the virus, but during pregnancy, the immune system weakens, so precautions are needed.
Here are some tips to make your pregnancy safer:
Even if you had a urine pregnancy test that is positive you still need to go to a doctor to confirm the pregnancy.
Take precautions when going to the hospital for a consultation: wear a mask, have sanitizer and wet wipes with you, avoid public transport (as there are many surfaces for possible contact with the virus), maintain social distance in the hospital, change your outfit after the hospital visit.
Avoid going to the hospital for minor health emergencies: if the pregnancy evolves normally, reduce the clinical visits and discuss minimal symptoms with your doctor on the phone.
If your symptoms worsen, go to the hospital.
If you have respiratory symptoms (cough, runny nose, sore throat), the doctor can request a test for you (this indication may change over time) but do not go do the doctor for the consultation; the doctor should come to your home.
If you come in contact with someone who tested positive for Coronavirus, stay in quarantine and reach out to your doctor; the doctor has to come to your home.
In the early pregnancy period (12 weeks), be more careful, as nausea and vomiting occur; after vomiting wash your face with water.
Do not take medication on your own, always consult with your doctor.
Pregnant women with asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure have a higher risk of contracting the virus and the symptoms will be worse.
Smoking weakens your lungs and reduces your strength to fight the virus.
Only go out when essential.
Avoid unnecessary travels, restrict friends and family visitors.
If someone is visiting, put a mask on and keep your distance; if outside keep a safe distance as well.
If you are pregnant and have the Coronavirus, does the child have it too? We do not know yet, as there is no clear documented evidence that the virus can pass through the placenta and cause congenital (from birth) effects on the baby.
Currently available limited data on pregnant women suggests that infected pregnant women have similar symptoms to non-pregnant women.
Be extremely cautious in the few weeks before delivery to not get infected.
Hand hygiene is very important: wash your hands for 30 seconds.
Increase the sanitation of things in your home. Be aware: while disinfecting products you can inhale chemical substances so it is better to ask your partner to do it.
Dress without accessories or disinfect them often.
Stay well hydrated and avoid cold water ⇒ warm water and lemon juice increases immunity and washes down a possible virus from the throat to the stomach.
Consume more vegetables and fruits as they are essential for a healthy diet.

Delivery during quarantine
Many women wonder if home birth is now a better version. Giving birth at home is a big decision with many factors coming into play. Doctors recommend that unless this method was planned from the beginning, do not opt for it because of the current situation. Research shows that 50% of women who chose to give birth at home for their first child, end up at the hospital due to complications or required anesthesia.
Remember that every labor and delivery is different. So what worked for your friend may not work for you. Always consult your doctor regarding your chosen method of delivery.
Many women are afraid to deliver at a hospital because of possible infections or being separated from their babies. The decision to separate the two is hospital-dependent. If you are tested positive, the doctor can recommend isolation from your baby for up to 2 weeks, as babies under 1 year have worse symptoms when infected.
Wear a mask at the hospital. You may have fewer care providers, as they try to minimize the contact, but you won't be alone in the birthing room.
Based on your health conditions, doctors will try to shorten your postnatal stay at the hospital.. Women who had a vaginal delivery can be released after 24 hours, and for those with a C-section can leave after 48 hours.
Once at home, you have to quarantine yourself. It is necessary for your baby’s health but also for the ones around you (remember: you have been in the hospital).
When it comes to breastfeeding, there is no data showing that the virus is passed through the milk. Since the virus transmits through respiratory secretions, you can take certain precautions (mask, wash your hands, wash the pillows and covers of the baby). Remember that milk has antibodies that strengthen the baby’s immunity, so if you do not have any symptoms the mask is optional.

The current situation may be more serious for women that are pregnant or just had a baby. By reason of this, it is important to take every precaution needed.
Do not forget: We are all in this together! ❤️
Stay tuned 🌺🐝!
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