Nowadays we live in a world where almost everyone has access to different contraceptive methods. Even though alternative contraceptive measures are being used since the dawn of history, therefore the health care system is constantly working on developing more efficient measures and with less adverse reactions.
In the present, there are over 15 types of contraceptives. But first, let’s talk about the meaning of contraception!
Contraception stands for methods that prevent pregnancy to occur due to sexual intercourse. Specifically, it refers to vaginal sex between a man and a woman. Regardless of the reasons behind this, humankind should be thankful for the choices they have. Keep sex fun and responsible!
Contraception can be classified into two big categories: hormonal and non-hormonal methods.
Non-hormonal methods act as barriers, by preventing the sperm cells from reaching the eggs, while hormonal methods stop the ovulation process or thicken the cervical mucus making it difficult for the sperm cells to go through the cervix and reach the eggs.
Non-hormonal methods
There are external and internal condoms:
External condoms are used by men (outside the penis) and if used correctly, they are 98% effective. External condoms can be made of latex, polyurethane, polysoprene or lambskin (condoms made from lambskin do not protect from STD!).
Internal condoms are used by women (inside the vagina) and if used correctly, they are 95% effective. Internal condoms can be made of polyurethane or nitrile.
When using latex condoms it is advised to use water-based or silicone-based lubricant, as the oil-based lubricant will tear the condom. Also remember: Condoms are one-use only! The condom is the only contraceptive method that prevents STDs! (except those made from lambskin).

External Condom for the penis

Internal condom for the vagina
The diaphragm is a flexible silicone cup that is inserted into the vagina and covers the cervix. If used correctly, they are 94% effective. It is advised to use it combined with spermicides, increasing the effectiveness to 96%. After having sex, the diaphragm must be kept inside the vagina between 6 and maximum 24 hours. If you have sex again during this period, you need to put a new dose of spermicide in your vagina. After use, the diaphragm can be washed with warm water and soap, air dried and stored in a clean and dry place. A diaphragm can usually be used for up to 2 years. It can be used with a condom.
The diaphragm does not protect you from STDs!

Cervical Cap
The cervical cap is a flexible silicone cup, shaped like a hat, that is inserted into the vagina and covers the cervix. The effectiveness is based on the existence or not of a previous pregnancy. For women who did not give birth before, it has 86% effectiveness, but for women that give birth before, the cervical cap is only 71% effective. It is advised to use it combined with spermicides. After having sex, the cervical cap must be kept inside the vagina between 6 and maximum 48 hours. If you have sex again during this period, you need to put a new dose of spermicide in your vagina. After use, the cervical cap can be washed with warm water and soap, air dried and stored in a clean and dry place. A cervical cap can usually be used for up to 1 year. It can be used with a condom.
The cervical cap does not protect you from STDs!

Cervical Cap
Birth Control Sponge
The birth control sponge is a small, round sponge made from soft plastic, that contains spermicide. It is inserted into the vagina and covers the cervix. The effectiveness is based on the existence or not of a previous pregnancy. For women who did not give birth before, it has 91% effectiveness, but for women that give birth before, the birth control sponge is only 80% effective. After having sex, the birth control sponge must be kept inside the vagina between 6 and maximum 30 hours. Sponges are one-time use only! It can be used with a condom.
The birth control sponge does not protect you from STDs! It can even increase the chances of getting an infection because of the spermicide that can irritate the vagina.

Birth Control Sponge
Copper IUD (intrauterine device)
The Copper IUD is a small medical device that is inserted inside the uterus by a doctor or a nurse. It has the shape of the letter “T” and it’s made from a flexible plastic material that is covered by a coil of copper. This device prevents pregnancy by releasing small amounts of copper, metal that limits the motility of the sperm cells and eggs and modifies the texture of the cervical mucus. The IUD has an effectiveness of 99%! This kind of device can be left inside the body for a period of 12 years. If a woman wants to get pregnant, the IUD needs to just be removed by a doctor or a nurse.
It can be used with condoms.
The IUD does not protect you from STDs!

Copper IUD
The Spermicide is a chemical substance that prevents pregnancy by limiting the motility of the sperm cells and eggs and by blocking the entrance to the cervix. The product can be found on the market under various types: gels, foams, creams, films and suppositories. If used alone, spermicide is effective between 70% and 80% but it can be used with condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps and other contraceptive measures in order to increase the effectiveness.
The Spermicide does not protect you from STDs! It can even increase the chances of getting an infection because of the chemical composition that can irritate the vagina.

Different forms of Spermicides
Tubal ligation (permanent-women)
Tubal ligation is a permanent contraceptive method that consists in a surgical procedure where the fallopian tubes are blocked, making it impossible for the egg to be released in the uterus. This kind of method is 99% effective and lasts for life. It can be used with condoms.
The Tubal ligation does not protect you from STDs!

Forms of Tubal Ligation (women)
Vasectomy (permanent-men)
Vasectomy is a permanent contraceptive method that consists in a surgical procedure where the tubes that are supposed to carry sperm cells are blocked. This kind of method is almost 100% effective and lasts for life. It can be used with condoms.
The Vasectomy does not protect you from STDs!

Vasectomy (men)
If you plan to use a contraceptive, discuss this topic with your doctor in order to find the suitable method for your body and to be aware of the possible side effects.