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carefully selected content in a box to redefine

your sexual relationship, empowerment and education

The Kohe Lele climaxBox contains curated products, chosen by professionals, to enhance your romantic relationship.  Inside you can find:  Edible Bodypaint  Intimacy - the sex board game for ANY couple  SexQuartet  B SWISH - BMINE BASIC bullet vibrator  TENGA - egg stepper  PJUR - Aloe waterbased lubricant  SYSTEM JO - Refresh foaming toy cleaner 1
Ain't no Climax high enough!

The first version of the ClimaxBox contains products for men and women. The enjoyments that you find in the box are suited for all genders. The products are intended for two people to enhance intimacy, communication and pleasure through toys and love games.


The current ClimaxBox is a starter box, especially suited for two people who have never used sex toys before.


Kohe Lele partnered up with 'Sexshop Heaveno7' in Amsterdam and created 100 educational boxes to re-discover the intimacy in your bedroom.


Read more about 'Sexshop Heaveno7' here.


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Discover the ClimaxBox products

The ClimaxBox contains curated products, chosen by professionals, to enhance your romantic relationship.

Inside you can find:

  • Edible Bodypaint

  • Intimacy - the sex board game for ANY couple

  • SexQuartet

  • B SWISH - BMINE BASIC bullet vibrator

  • TENGA - egg stepper

  • PJUR - Aloe waterbased lubricant

  • SYSTEM JO - Refresh foaming toy cleaner

The Kohe Lele climaxBox contains curated products, chosen by professionals, to enhance your romantic relationship.  Inside you can find:  Edible Bodypaint  Intimacy - the sex board game for ANY couple  SexQuartet  B SWISH - BMINE BASIC bullet vibrator  TENGA - egg stepper  PJUR - Aloe waterbased lubricant  SYSTEM JO - Refresh foaming toy cleaner 2
Exclusive access to the ClimaxWorld

By purchasing the ClimaxBox you receive exclusive access to the Kohe Lele ClimaxWorld. ClimaxWorld is a digital platform that explains the use of the ClimaxBox products and shares more ideas on how to spice up your intimate time.


The ClimaxWorld is divided into four pillars that are the foundation of a strong relationship:

  • Ask me:  consent and communication

  • Play me: enhance communication, pleasure, and connection towards each other.

  • Touch me: find all erogenous parts of the body through the power of touch

  • Teach me: discover the benefits of using the products in a safe mannner

Discreet shipping to your doorstep

We respect your privacy and intimate desires. The ClimaxBox will arrive to your doorstep in the form of a white box. No text, no logo, no nothing.

Only you will know what's inside: a blue world filled with excitement.


The package will be sent discreetly to your address. Track your package with the provided tracking code (which will be sent within one week after purchase). Once arrived, connect to our virtual "ClimaxWorld"



The Kohe Lele climaxBox contains curated products, chosen by professionals, to enhance your romantic relationship.  Inside you can find:  Edible Bodypaint  Intimacy - the sex board game for ANY couple  SexQuartet  B SWISH - BMINE BASIC bullet vibrator  TENGA - egg stepper  PJUR - Aloe waterbased lubricant  SYSTEM JO - Refresh foaming toy cleaner 3
Kohe Lele social business, profits from climaxbox go to Sisters Speak Global foundation, Heels4Pads
Giving back to society

By purchasing the ClimaxBox you contribute to our mission, as 10% of the profits will be donated to our Kohe Lele foundation that supports Heels4Pads, an initiative from Sisters Speak in Kenya to fight against period poverty.


Sister Speak Global is an organization that offers female-centered events. The founders, Monica Muhoya, Angela Waweru and Angela Muiruri, offer women a safe environment through curated events that increase the feeling of empowerment, confidence and support in order to pursue their goals and purpose in life.


Besides their events, Sisters Speak Global initiated a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) campaign. Called Heels4Pads, is fighting period poverty while empowering women and girls, and advancing gender equality through access to menstrual health management.


Wir kreieren exklusiv 100 ClimaxBoxen , die die Langeweile des routinemäßigen Sexuallebens und das Missverständnis des Vergnügens deines Partners retten wird.

Kurz gesagt: Mit dieser Box kannst du deine eigeneIntimität vo dir und die deines Partners wieder entdecken.


Die ClimaxBox bietet die folgenden sorgfältig ausgewählten Punkte:


- Produkte, um die Freude des Partners zu verstehen

- Herausfordernde Spiele, um den Partner wiederzuentdecken

- Zugang zur virtuellen ClimaxWorld, um mehr über verschiedene sexuelle Praktiken und über den Körper zu erfahren

Diskrete Verpackung

Entdecke die Intimität neu



  • Where do you ship your products to?
    Currently, we ship to any European country. The sending costs will be added at the check-out depending on where you are located. Our facility center is in the Netherlands. For orders outside Europe, please send us an email to and we will look into the possibilities together with you.
  • Can I return my products?
    Unfortunately, the products cannot be returned. If your product has a defect or is broken, please contact
  • My box arrived broken.
    Please contact We will look into your inquiry to see what we can do.
  • Will I receive a tracking code to see where my package is located?
    Yes. After your order is placed, we will ship the packages on a weekly basis. Once the package is sent, you will recieve a confirmation via email with the tracking code.
  • What makes Kohe Lele different to other boxes?
    We created an exclusively dedicated backend (ClimaxWorld) for the people who purchased the box. We provide updated content and information about the products. Also, we add several tips on how to enhance your intimacy.
  • How do I access the backend?
    You have to purchase the ClimaxBox in order to get access to our backend. Once purchased, you can log in with the email address you purchased over our site and get access.
  • Can I change the email address to access the backend?
    Yes, please send for this inquiry an email to
  • How long will the access last?
    Currently, there is no limit for people who purchase the first version of the ClimaxBox. This might change for our future box versions.
  • Who is behind Kohe Lele?
    We are a team of young individuals who have the mission to make sex education accessible and approachable worldwide. With Kohe Lele we provide free education over our (c)literature (aka blog posts), distribute our ClimaxBox and with our foundation support the fight against period poverty.
  • 'Kohe Lele', what does it mean?"
    While searching for a brand name, we knew #flyingvagina was what we wanted to go for. Knowing that censoring any anatomy-related names would be a real issue, translating the words into a different language was a valid choice we had. This is how the name Kohe Lele came about, which means #flying vagina in Hawaiian. While we acknowledge that this is not our native tongue, we distance ourselves from any cultural connection, intention, or appropriation.  
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